

Dokuwiki’s Application for Android.

I’m the creator and maintainer of Android’s application “Dokuwiki Android”. This app enables to easily access the content of a dokuwiki site which is synchronized between the server and the application.

This is an open source application, you can find its code on github.

To install it on your Android phone, you can also find its latest release on f-droid.

How does it look?

Here are a few screenshots of the application. The text is basically displayed, with titles, paragraphs and links:


I think I should add a picture in this simple page, as the application really display the wiki’s page actual content.

Here is how the usual Syntax page displays on the mobile app: TODO.


The Editor is the exact same content of files used by dokuwiki.


Once edited, the application can also synchronize them back the original dokuwiki’s server using xmlrpc plugin.